

Geto Boys - My Mind Playing Tricks On Me

Gotta Drop one more, I mean it is Thanksgiving and all, must share the wealth!! Music= wealth.

Ice Cube - Friday

WOW.Love this song... miss the old school.

Ice Cube - It Was A Good Day (HD)

DROP That old school SHIT....DIG.




P.U.D.G.E. feat Chris Clarke - Is This What You Want

Happy Thanksgiving!! BE HAPPY And get your grub on!! And, listen to some dope music, while your at it! Perfection.



“The Stuyvesants” is a collaboration between producer Allan Cole (Algorythm), and record collector Darien Victor Birks (Flwrpt). Both reside in Bedford-Stuyvesant, Brooklyn, NY. The two wanted to collab on a project where they could utilize all of their talents, related to music and design. They wanted to do this under a moniker that would pay homage to the ’70s. The collaboration allowed them to do four major things, design, beat dig, produce amazing music, and love it while making it! SO HERE IT GOES!!!





Clip of Popping Battle at Bboy Summit 2010

COME CORRECT, or Don't come at ALL!




MED feat. Aloe Blacc - Where I'm From (Official Video HD)

I love these camera Shots. The real shit.... I can DIG IT? CAN YOU?


Another free download, for mine and yours. This is BEAUTIFUL! DOWNLOAD IT is FREE!! And they said nothing in life is free...... yeah yeah biaaatch.



DJ Kentaro - Loop Daigakuin(Bird's-eye view Ver.)


Style Kings Posse Graffiti

I Can Dig IT, GET IT HOW YA LIVE... 62I! TOFU B<3y.


If I had to have a mini cooper, this would have to do. Sic.




Via blindiforthekids.com


'Timeline' Dem One Feat. D-Styles

I for one cannot wait for the EP Audio Still Life, which will drop in January of 2011.
San Hose is up and comin'. Learn something!!!


Wildstyle Graffiti

I think this is beautiful. Nuff' Said.


Download for free!


WOW. Let me start out by saying that I got to see this man speak, about a five days ago. I got his AMAZING BOOK, which is gorgeous, flat black, even the threading is black. It is beyond totally fucking narley. However, I want to post this old interview of him (pre stash). He is so amazingly cool, and when he speaks you listen. His presence is undeniable, and he makes you want to leave the conference and conquer the world! Literally.I have never met an artist so determined to "FUCK the MAN," but ended up successful. He has won emmys, been published numerous times in TIME MAGAZINE, THE TIMES, etc, etc. But he knows that the real joy of being an artist is not about what everyone tells you to be. It's about following your heart, mind and soul, on what you think is cool. And, the rest will come. HE actually turns down clients for graphic design! It's his way or the highway. I respect his art and more importantly his words of wisdom. What An AWESOME MAN! Starving Artists out there, DON'T EVER GIVE UP! AND, MORE IMPORTANTLY, DON'T SELL OUT!

"I've always found it very sanitary to be broke." -- Orson Welles

BANKSY - Simpsons INTRO - full version

I can dig this. I wonder if FOX knew that Banksy was going to make them look like a bunch of pushers of child labor, in indigenous cultures. You have to LOVE that Banksy had the balls to speak the truth and leave his mark in such a thought provoking way, and through the SIMPSONS. TWO WORDS-- BAD ASS.

Flying Lotus - Kill your Coworkers...


FAST Don't LIIIIEEE - new commercial for foot locker...

Pretty funny. Humorous Advertising is IN! Yours Truly __Dwight Howard & Slim CHIN.




Biggy, Coolio, Bone Thugs, Red Man, Busta, Buckshot. Sic.uckshot, and Bone Thugsman, Busta, Buckshot, and Bone Thugs



Well it was awesome, as all Robert Rodriguez movies. The idea for the movie sprung from Robert Rodriguez' mind about 15 years ago, when Danny Trejo was cast for Desperado. According to Rodriguez, the origins of the film go back to Desperado. He says, "When I met Danny, I said, 'This guy should be like the Mexican Jean-Claude Van Damme or Charles Bronson, putting out a movie every year and his name should be Machete.' So I decided to do that way back when, never got around to it until finally now. So now, of course, I want to keep going and do a feature."[14] In an interview with Rolling Stone magazine, Rodriguez said that he wrote the screenplay back in 1993 when he cast Trejo in Desperado. "So I wrote him this idea of a federale from Mexico who gets hired to do hatchet jobs in the U.S. I had heard sometimes FBI or DEA have a really tough job that they don't want to get their own agents killed on, they'll hire an agent from Mexico to come do the job for $25,000. I thought, 'That's Machete. He would come and do a really dangerous job for a lot of money to him but for everyone else over here it's peanuts.' But I never got around to making it."

There is just an amazing cast, that seem to connect effortlessly on screen. The film draws you in, with the hot chicks and bad ass, bloody fight scenes, but it's more than that. Of course, there is Robert Rodriguez' sense of humor brought to the film, and many real social issues are uncovered. The characters are all connected in someway. Go see it!!



By the skins. Produced by empty kingdom media, directed by jin mun woong, cinematography by danny machines.

Asobi Seksu - And Then He Kissed Me

Cover. Cute. or should I say KUWAII?!!

Asobi Seksu - Me & Mary

I love this one. The themes of white and black illustrate the beautiful and the scary in this world. It has to be balanced out, sort of like yin and yang. I love the feathers and white dots,blonde hair, white outfits that symbolize the truth and the real beauty in this world. While the black outfits, the raining down of black, the splash of black all over them through vector black brushes, almost seem to be erasing them. Pretty cool and more than what it seems.

Asobi Seksu - Thursday

I have to love my Japanese girls. Wow, listen to her voice, the style is ethereal. So soft, so true, and beautifully filmed in quick motion, and flash slides. I'm amazed Asobi Seksu, I can dig it and understand it. LET GO.....

Asobi Sesku is comprised of Yuki Chikudate (vocals, keyboards) and James Hanna (guitar, vocals).


Edie Sedgwick

Edie Sedgwick: Don't be jealous, Andy. He's nothing like you.

Edie Sedgwick: I can't hate him!

Andy Warhol: I wonder if people are going to remember us?
Edie Sedgwick: What, when we're dead?
Andy Warhol: Yeah.
Edie Sedgwick: Well I think people will talk about how you changed the world.
Andy Warhol: I wonder what they'll say about you... in your obituary. I like that word.
Edie Sedgwick: Nothing nice, I don't think.
Andy Warhol: No no, come on. They'd say, "Edith Minturn Sedgwick: beautiful artist and actress...
Edie Sedgwick: ...and all around loon.
Andy Warhol: ...Remembered for setting the world on fire...
Edie Sedgwick: ...and escaping the clutches of her terrifying family...
Andy Warhol: ...Made friends with eeeeverybody, and anybody...
Edie Sedgwick: ...creating chaos and uproar wherever she went. Divorced as many times as she married, she leaves only good wishes behind.

A Tribute To Edie Sedgwick.

A tiny piece of me.

Fame isn't always so glamorous. Yet, we all want to be famous.


Mika Chu.....FAMOUS.

The BangerZ.

There highly anticipated single was played for the crowds, and now everyone-- the internet. ha. It is called "Robot Remains." They have another song on itunes --"Jabbawockeez," Supposed the Rock your face off. enjoi.

The artist BLU

This is BLU's idea of the big bang theory-- through atop and go grafitti. Imagine the lengths he had to have gone. It is absolutely incredible, all of his stuff is sic. Just sharing "BIG BANG BOOM."




First off, I absolutely adore lady gaga. She is the most refreshing "pop" singer I have ever witnessed. People always criticize her use of references to other musicians, Such as: Madonna, Janet Jackson, Even the song's chorus has the "Ace of Base" sound of," I saw the sign".... However, I love that she uses references to other people, musicians, that she admires. I think by putting her own twist on their ideas, she makes it her own. Honestly, isnt that what all musicians or performance artists do? They have their own idols they look up to, and they will always have their influence in them, and, therefore it is projected into their work. I think GAGA is coming into her own, and I am loving it! I honestly love how her videos are almost short films. At least this one, and the last one, and I know it will only keep getting better! Until then, keep rockin' on GAGA. You are PRICELESS, LITTLE MONSTER!!



I went and saw splice tonight. It's the new adrian brody movie. It is bout two scientists who splice an animal/organism/monster looking thing (they created through splicing seven different animals) and hum DNA. The movie was insane the entire time. Things just got crazier and crazier as the movie went through. It was pretty interesting, but the main, obvious theme of the movie is what could go wrong, or happen, when manipulating animal DNA with any type of human DNA. The moral of the story, basically, DON'T EVEN ATTEMPT TO PLAY GOD. The theme was really cool, because our society is constantly batteing moral issues and technological research. I know there are plenty of things going on with the government, that, naturally, the average civilian, including myself, doesn't know. Hopefully, they have not actually done such a thing, because according to Splice, everyone dies and end up either doing the alien/ monster creation, or getting raped by it. And, inevitably getting murdered or knocked up by an alien species that is both male and female. I must say, it literally kept everyone in the theater entertained. There were a couple of girls that were sitting behind me, who were freaked out the whole movie, as was I as the plot thickened. By the time the alien species does the nasty with Adrian Brody, an entire family dipped out with a quickness. "I just can't handle this anymore," I could here the father complaining as the whole family walked out. It was great. I recommend the movie, because it is considerable to the NEW alien. I predict it will be a cult classic, because no one has really come out with a film that entirely involves splicing DNA-- and making a new species. At least, not in a long time, or definitely at least not one worth a damn. You will most definitely walk out discussing the movie, along with every one else in the theater.


guess i won't be sleeping for a while


So many things have happened over the course of a couple of weeks. Throughout all of these hard times, sometimes it just feels like, "how could things get better?" its hard to even write. i know i can't really say all that i want, even if i did, it just wouldn't come out right. too bad there is always a risk of someone you know reading your blog. just because, I wish i speak freely and uncensored. It's completely censored, clearly i have not said a word of what i am truly going through. ok another pointless post.


Who is Shara Elizabeth?

Shattered Glass

The dusty old picture of Jon that I found in my old closet(at my parents house) was a BLAST from the Past. It had been ages since I heard from him. I noticed the picture, keep in mind was ten years old, was in a picture frame with shattered glass. Bad luck for seven years?! Does that apply with glass, I hope not, seeing as I had just broken my Sephora carry around mirror, it made me feel it was sign that I was becoming to vain. Oh well what can you do? I decided that moment I had to show Jon the old picture I found of him.


Jon was my very first love in the world. I met him in middle school and dated him all throughout the beginning of high school. I absolutely adored him, to this day. His bright personality and love for life just drew every one to him. You could say he's irresistible. Not a bad bone it that body of his. We remained close friends after we broke up, but as the college years ravaged through my life, we drifted a part. However, Jon's the type of person you can talk to like no time has passed at all. He always seems to understand and encourage me when he knew I needed it. A true, loyal friend.

It was decided I had to see him sometime soon. I have realized over the years good friends, I mean true friends, are nearly impossible to find. And, if your lucky enough to have them, hold on to them. They are worth the pain they may cause, the drama, the tears, or whatever the case may be. Because who are you, if know one knows the real YOU? Life just isn't worth living without those unforgettable, indescribable connections you make with people along the way.

I was at bar and I run into one of Jon's friends. He calls John, and John tells me,"I'll be there in fifteen minutes! I want to see you, It's been forever!" I was so happy to hear from my old friend, and randomly at that. Unfortunately, it was late and my boyfriend was ready to go before Jon came to the bar. So I guess i'll see him another time? Although, I thought when would I ever just see him? Both of our schedules are completely different? BLah. blah. blah. The usual justifications you make to yourself, to make life a little easier.

Me and Jon spoke through text several weeks later. We were finally to hang out. But that night I canceled again. I can see him anytime I said. "Sorry tonight isn't a good, sometime soon though!" The last text I would ever send to him.

It's 4:30 am. I charge my dead phone and see all the text messages. So many that I can't even read one, without ten more popping up at the same time. The calls we're from my mother, all my best friends, people I haven't heard from since high-school, and I'm 24 almost 25 years old now. SOMETHING IS WRONG. That's about all I know...

I check my voice mail. I have to listen through half of thirty "unheard massages" before I even get to the important one, the one about all the calls. Angela. What? "Jon's died in a car-wreck with Justin. The wake is tomorrow. I hope to see you there."

A million thoughts went through my mind. A million regrets, " If only I hadn't canceled?!" Why did I do that. How could I do that. And at 4:30 there is not any one to talk to, just the ability to torture yourself with your own regrets.

I'll always love you Jon Brown. And No, Jonathon Alan Brown is not a pseudonym. Thanks for putting joy in my life and lives of so many others. You touched so many people along the way. Your soul is pure and I am so blessed to have been even just a small chapter in your short life. Rest in Peace Jonboy. Your forever in my heart and thoughts.



Sorry that i started my first post so angry. It just happened to be that I went through a day of hell on the phone with bank of america. ok done talking about that one.....

so, I thought i would post a few pictures of myself and explain a little about who i am. I am twenty four years old, and a graduate of the university of georgia. I majored in sociology with a minor in website design/development. My ultimate goal is to start my own web developing company. I would love to do this for the following reasons: a. It would be awesome to work for myself! (no minions!) lol. b. I would not be tied down in any state, i could, hypothetically, just leave the country on a whim, and still get my work done. c. When I have children to raise, I can work from home! (then i wouldn't be the housewife who lived off her husband, I want to be self-sufficient.) d. I would be a nice boss and understanding, unlike most corporate bosses, who are so caught up in "corporate rules & regulations." lame. e. It would feel incredible to build something from the ground up and watch it grow (hopefully :)). Those are just a few of the reasons why i want to own my on web developing company. I'm just glad that I have a goal that is foreseeable and realistic. I can not lie, it feels DAMN good. ha. On the contrary, I'm just a girl with a dream, who is absorbing all the knowledge I can get right now. I love music, films, or anything remotely artistic. I absolutely love David Bowie and Queen. Also, I am in love with lady gaga right now. She is the next Madonna, just watch. I love all underground music, not because it is "underground," just that it usually much better than mainstream music. I love films especially wes anderson, martin scorsese, guy ritchie, gus van sant, takeshi miki, etc.

life has not always been so great for me. Ive struggled with an addiction problem for the past four years. Luckily I made it out without too many scars, and i can tell the story. not that it's a good one and I hate talking about it. But i'm sure I will refer to it plenty of times throughout my blog, seeing as it has consumed my life for a while. No longer, thank god, but you never forget, I may block it out as much as I want, but any word could trigger the wrong memory.... so Yes, it is a process, but I KNOW i'll be just fine.


Bank of America sucks dick.

I have been a loyal customer to Bank of America for the past five or six years. Yet, they insist on always fucking me over. What is up with ya'll's bureaucratic bullshit rules?? and why do i always talk to someone, who is supposedly fixing my "issues," that your shitty bank creates for me in the first place, that tells me, "oh all is well, blah blah blah." And, of course it is everything but. Fix your customer service. Maybe you should train all your little minions to ACTUALLY take the fucking notations, they are claiming to be doing. I would love it if i could actually call your service without having to explain my situation fifty million fucking times. Thanks. and while you're at it maybe you should keep note to ALL pending transactions-- for all minions to see, so i don't have to talk to fifty dumb people first, who can not do anything, before permission from the "corporation." This could save many customers all the bullshit, and I'm quite sure your business might run more efficiently, without fucking the client.

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