
1080HD street art/graffiti tour -MelbourneYouTube Gathering

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Street Art, Shoreditch (GREAT BRITAIN)

Shoreditch is a built up part of Northern London.

The Urban Dictionary portrays a Shoreditch Twat
as a fashion student, photographer-type person with a priveleged digital or old school arts background who lives.works.socializes in London's East End area of Shoreditch.

Another one says:

20-something dressed in over-priced torn clothing and numerous 80s retro fashion items, sometimes including pink legwarmers. Ridiculous haircuts also de-rigeur. Comonly found in Shoreditch/Hoxton area, usually making bad art in an overpriced warehouse apartment while living on seemingly limitless parental funds. Shoreditch twats where once refered to more politely by the BBC as 'Hoxton trendies'.

Look at that Ridiculous Haircut on that Shoreditch Twat. (used in a sentence).

street art (cold as ice)

SEE what the snow can do to you? MAKE you get out there and make something!! Big Uppzz.

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