
Have you ever...

Have you ever said something you couldnt take back?
Have you ever instantly felt your heart beat...
Felt the heat.
The sound of the voo doo drum beat.
Be careful what you say, because it might just turn on repeat.
It scorches like the fire's heat.
It makes you think.
Next time, I'll just take a drink.



Ok, well i'm done trying to make shit work with my significant other. If it works it works. I'm not trying anymore, because the more I try, the more I push you away. Fuck it, I know my worth, I should be focusing on real shit anyways... Shit, I need. Shit, I need to be doing me. And, if you are so inconsiderate to me, then peace. I can move on. I have before, I will again. I will always be fine.

so what's new.

So good bye,
mi amore...
the sails have swept us away to shore...
Can't even see beyond the fog...
the mist is opaque, and you were right...
it means not see thru,
unlike you....
and the old glue,
sticking me to you.

This has been something of an experiment,
I already knew what I wanted,
It bought into your deceit,
like selling ice to an eskimo.
Thought, I'd give it a more than several weeks.

At least I listend to my boy,
I knew and was aware,
so, the surprise is a nonexistent scare.

Baby doll, don't be too heart broken.
This isn't the first time.
Your heart has been broken in two.
So, just learn...keep your heart safe.
Locked away with the key, forever it'll be.


Something you do

Just to feel your heart beat, 
Makes me smile for a week.
Makes my knees weak.
Makes me wanna press ctrl+alt+delete,
And, repeat.
Your presence is a treat...
Even when your in your soccer cleats. 


the joys of probation.....

D: I'm gonna go to mrt classes at 12.

S: That's like in two hours.

D: I think i'm gonna put my penis on.

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