
Because of you

Because of you I can look forward to tomorrow
I don't have to worry about the pain and sorrow
that my heart carries
that weight was getting too heavy
I am so happy I want to scream!
Baby you're really the one for me!

Everything I knew was true got twisted into a false reality
that I never knew could break someone to fatality
Any journey was scary to embark...
I felt like I was walking through the dark...
I lost all hope.
Until you made me be able to float…
Above the clouds..
Walk on water…
Now, the distant past is a joke.

Thank you for showing me a new way of life.
I knew before, but was gone when they cut the chord with a knife.
It's beautiful now.
Every day is super sunny.
I just want to be your baby bunny.
You are so fucking funny.
I love you more than words can say.
You make my chaotic day. ok.
Exploring through your soul is the best feeling i've had.
I've never lost myself in someone else.
Every moment is one to cherish, it's so rad.
I've never lost myself in someone else.

I love you baby, you make everything worth it. And, this is nothing that could ever truly describe our pure- untainted love. You are amazing. You are, you are, you are. The glue. That sticks me to you.


Have you ever?

Have you ever known someone was lying to you straight to your face?
And there's nothing you can do.
When you try and call them out, they get mad.
Defensive. I'm so over liars. Why can't yall just tell the truth.
We nonliars don't understand how that works.
The whole lying thing.


Being a good person

People make it so hard to be a good person.
I try my hardest to do everything I can for people,
but it's never enough.
They always want more. They always hate when you have something you love.
How pathetic are these people.
I mean really, get out of my fucking facebook and how dare you download my facebook data?
Freaking crazy ass people. Don't fuck with them, cause they might just show up at your
parents house yelling and causing all sorts of scenes.
And, I hate trying to get revenge. So, I don't. I refuse to hurt someone, just because they hurt me.
I mean you can do anything to me. You can't break me. Something you will learn.
All I want is to be is in peace. It's not too much to ask, is it?
Universal pleasure it what I crave.


I got some mad anger.

I really wonder why I am so fucking angry, or just don't give a fuck. I know why I am angry…because i feel like i've given everything to everyone, and literally get nothing but a fucking slap in the face. Wow….i need to fucking woosah…. because I swear to god I'm seriously gonna freak the fuck out on somebody. I need good vibes…and get that negativity out of here. peace.


I wish I could comprehend it all….

My life has been a vicious cycle
John, David, and Michael.
There are more than one of you.
I never regretted it till we were through.
Now it's a subject in need of review.

We made love…..last night.
It felt like everything was right.
I wake up, bake up, next to you.
Pass me the blunt, i'll hit it two times too.

Ok, what is it that you're making?
Is it all mine for the taking?
Or, are ya just fakin?

All I need is to give you my love…
take it willingly, this chemistry is unreal…
Let me tell you how I feel.
I'll lay you down, and give you the real deal.

But, now it's just whatever…
I'm just tryin to make it through tonight.
Trying to digest your lies.
What a life.
I'm trying to survive.

Teaching me patience because our love is timeless.
Round and Round we go, I digress…
I'm slippin, i'm trippin now.
I'm falling through the abyss,
It's hard to know it was the last kiss.


Have you ever...

Have you ever said something you couldnt take back?
Have you ever instantly felt your heart beat...
Felt the heat.
The sound of the voo doo drum beat.
Be careful what you say, because it might just turn on repeat.
It scorches like the fire's heat.
It makes you think.
Next time, I'll just take a drink.



Ok, well i'm done trying to make shit work with my significant other. If it works it works. I'm not trying anymore, because the more I try, the more I push you away. Fuck it, I know my worth, I should be focusing on real shit anyways... Shit, I need. Shit, I need to be doing me. And, if you are so inconsiderate to me, then peace. I can move on. I have before, I will again. I will always be fine.

so what's new.

So good bye,
mi amore...
the sails have swept us away to shore...
Can't even see beyond the fog...
the mist is opaque, and you were right...
it means not see thru,
unlike you....
and the old glue,
sticking me to you.

This has been something of an experiment,
I already knew what I wanted,
It bought into your deceit,
like selling ice to an eskimo.
Thought, I'd give it a more than several weeks.

At least I listend to my boy,
I knew and was aware,
so, the surprise is a nonexistent scare.

Baby doll, don't be too heart broken.
This isn't the first time.
Your heart has been broken in two.
So, just learn...keep your heart safe.
Locked away with the key, forever it'll be.


Something you do

Just to feel your heart beat, 
Makes me smile for a week.
Makes my knees weak.
Makes me wanna press ctrl+alt+delete,
And, repeat.
Your presence is a treat...
Even when your in your soccer cleats. 


the joys of probation.....

D: I'm gonna go to mrt classes at 12.

S: That's like in two hours.

D: I think i'm gonna put my penis on.


Bastien Salabanzi: The Lost Part

Bastien Salabanzi
Is the absolute shit! This footage is from ten years ago.... He was ripping hard early on son!

Bastien Salabanzi: The Lost Part

Bastien Salabanzi
Is the absolute shit! This footage is from ten years ago.... He was ripping hard early on son!


WTF?...why the frown

Man, that paaint was sprayed too thick,
I can't breathe in this quick-trip,
version of oxygen.
This shit make me lost again...
I'm in a whirlwind where shit doesn't stop,
shit you better learn to pop, drop and lock...
I feel like I'm on a rocking chair rock, rock...
Shit, I need that hip hip hop..
Even better would be that drip drop.
If you feel me you k now what I feel...
When you know it's time to feel the real...
Fuck the fucking deal,
Let your eyes open and peel,
way back....
There's so much more...
Of this universe to explore.

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