
Rihanna - We Found Love (Official Video) ft. Calvin Harris

This video references various notions and scenes, almost exact ,in fact, from trainspotting, requiem for a dream, the late Heath Ledger movie, Candy, among many other Heroin movies. Additionally, the scene where Rhi Rhi is fighting in the Trans AM, with her new boy toy, Chris Brown Britt look alike, is supposed to represent Rhi Rhi and Chris' relationship. The entire video is supposed to mirror their tumultuous relationship.
Clearly, you won't be seein' this on MTV, but pretty Sic Video & Song. Everyone is inspired by someone. Right? STAND ON THE SHOULDER OF GIANTS.


Rihanna - We Found Love (Official Video) ft. Calvin Harris

Not shown on MTV, and similar to the movie Candy as well as various other heroin related movies, notions.


OK guys... I woke up a bit late.....due to waking up at 4am

So, I'm going to post what i where on a daily basis. Unless, I'm looking rough I will post images of my outfits. They are all reasonably priced, and highly wear-able with multiple looks. I'll show you once I get done drinking my coffee, and get egged up for the day. LOL. Just joking, but I will post make up tips, hair tricks, and you don't want to miss how I accessorize.

I'll try an Drop some musica. I'm personally on a beatles kick since I saw the George Harrison Documentary on HBO Weds. & Thursday. It was the bomb, so watch if you haven't. It's also directed by Scorsese. So, can't really go wrong!!


Gyaru- Baby Doll.

She's So Damn Cute. Like an angel & a tomboi. Both looks are super cute, depending on what you are doing today. Here's a great egg-inspired casual & sexy look for ya. DrrrrrOOP.

He Delights my appetite.

What I'm jammin to

Chicago act Kids These Days‘ single Clear Eyes

of Kids These Days - Clear Eyes from Elephilms on Vimeo.





Downloads for everyone. Thought i'd drop the wealth.


Should you go to Grad school???

That is a great question. These day an ages it's nearly impossible to find a decent job with this wonderfully disastrous economy. According To Black Slash Magazine,on August 2nd, 2011, Congress & the Obama administration passed the Budget Control Act. What is this Budget Control Act, one might Ask? Well, most people dream of getting their PHD or MBA and they would take in the notion that if they took this path they would be on the "right track." Unfortunately this act has only made it more expensive to get higher education and less accessible to get into these programs. They let grad students in, only to make them start paying on their student loans while still in school? How can you get a job and go to graduate school full time? You Can't. Damn, you can't even get education for money, just to be educated. It's nice and all, but when you are paying out the ass and struggling in school all for the sake of "furthering your career," you might start to think differently. Up until now, interest on student loans did not accumulate until you were graduated and six months later... not anymore. They are saying grad school could be up to 30% more than last year. Grrrrreaat. Congress got this bill passed on the lines of the taxpayers will save up to $21.6 Billion in the next 10 years, due to this act. However, do we really want to pay less taxes, only to have our children non-educated? America is Broke, and becoming a joke. Somebody help us, Puuuhhhllleez.....

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