First off, I absolutely adore lady gaga. She is the most refreshing "pop" singer I have ever witnessed. People always criticize her use of references to other musicians, Such as: Madonna, Janet Jackson, Even the song's chorus has the "Ace of Base" sound of," I saw the sign".... However, I love that she uses references to other people, musicians, that she admires. I think by putting her own twist on their ideas, she makes it her own. Honestly, isnt that what all musicians or performance artists do? They have their own idols they look up to, and they will always have their influence in them, and, therefore it is projected into their work. I think GAGA is coming into her own, and I am loving it! I honestly love how her videos are almost short films. At least this one, and the last one, and I know it will only keep getting better! Until then, keep rockin' on GAGA. You are PRICELESS, LITTLE MONSTER!!

I went and saw splice tonight. It's the new adrian brody movie. It is bout two scientists who splice an animal/organism/monster looking thing (they created through splicing seven different animals) and hum DNA. The movie was insane the entire time. Things just got crazier and crazier as the movie went through. It was pretty interesting, but the main, obvious theme of the movie is what could go wrong, or happen, when manipulating animal DNA with any type of human DNA. The moral of the story, basically, DON'T EVEN ATTEMPT TO PLAY GOD. The theme was really cool, because our society is constantly batteing moral issues and technological research. I know there are plenty of things going on with the government, that, naturally, the average civilian, including myself, doesn't know. Hopefully, they have not actually done such a thing, because according to Splice, everyone dies and end up either doing the alien/ monster creation, or getting raped by it. And, inevitably getting murdered or knocked up by an alien species that is both male and female. I must say, it literally kept everyone in the theater entertained. There were a couple of girls that were sitting behind me, who were freaked out the whole movie, as was I as the plot thickened. By the time the alien species does the nasty with Adrian Brody, an entire family dipped out with a quickness. "I just can't handle this anymore," I could here the father complaining as the whole family walked out. It was great. I recommend the movie, because it is considerable to the NEW alien. I predict it will be a cult classic, because no one has really come out with a film that entirely involves splicing DNA-- and making a new species. At least, not in a long time, or definitely at least not one worth a damn. You will most definitely walk out discussing the movie, along with every one else in the theater.
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